New Publications from QxLab

Two new journal papers recently published by QxLab authors:

“Beyond First Impressions: Estimating Quality of Experience for Interactive Web Applications”  – Hamed Z Jahromi, Declan T Delaney, Andrew Hines

Published in IEEE Access.

What happened when users continue to interact with web applications beyond the first page load? The paper looks at interaction Web Applications, e.g. Google Maps and how QoE can be estimated.

Open Access PDF available: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2979385

“Assessment of QoE for Video and Audio in WebRTC Applications Using Full-Reference Models” – Boni García, Francisco Gortázar, Micael Gallego, Andrew Hines

 Published in MDPI Electronics journal.

An open source benchmarking app that uses Docker containers to evaluate WebRTC quality with full reference quality metrics for video (VMAF, VIFp, SSIM, MS-SSIM, PSNR, PSNR-HVS, and PSNR-HVS-M) and audio (PESQ, ViSQOL, and POLQA).

Open access pdf available: