The QxLab research group is based in the School of Computer Science at University College Dublin.
At QxLab we are interested in how people perceive quality. Everyday we interact with technology – talking on our smartphones or streaming YouTube or Netflix on our TVs. What we hear or see is processed and transported over a network by technology. Often noticeable and unnatural changes are introduced into the content and the Quality of Experience is the resulting degree of delight or annoyance experienced by the person. We build technologies to predict Quality of Experience so that it can be improved and sustained.
The lab is affiliated with two Science Foundation Ireland research centres: the CONNECT Research Centre for future networks and the INSIGHT Centre for Data Analytics. It was founded in 2015 and is led by Andrew Hines.
The lab has been funded through grants from Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, EU Horizon 2020, University College Dublin, and Google, Inc.